Bishop Okullu Memorial Library
Bishop Okullu Memorial Library
- Database name
- Subject Strength

- Biomedical/Life Sciences,Physical Sciences,Social Sciences and Economics.

- Acoustics, General Linear Acoustics, Nonlinear Acoustics, Atmospheric Acoustics and Aeroacoustics, Underwater Sound, Ultrasonics and Physical Acoustics, Transduction, Acoustical Measurements, Instrumentation, Applied Acoustics, Structural Acoustics and Vibration, Noise Effects and Control, Architectural Acoustics, Acoustic Signal Processing, Physiological Acoustics, Psychological Acoustics, Speech Production, Speech Perception Speech Processing, Musical Acoustics.

- Medicine, Engineering, Science, Food and Agriculture, Economics, Environment, Law and Education.

- Diagnostic radiology, Radiotherapy, Oncology, Nuclear medicine, Ultrasound, radiation physics, Radiation protection, Radiobiology; BJR/case reports: Diagnostic radiology, Radiotherapy, Radiation sciences; DMFR: Oral radiology, Head and neck imaging.

- Evidence based medicine, Clinical trials.

- History, Law , Library and Information Science ,Linguistics and Communications, Literary Studies, Mathematics, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Theology, Judaism, Religion.

- Coverage of most branches of Social Sciences and Humanities, Strong Business Coverage, Strong Nursing, Medicine and allied Health Coverage, Dedicated Newspaper Database, kept separate from peer-reviewed content.

- Computer Science, Library and Information Sciences and Marketing Management.

- Literary Studies, Philosophy, Historical Studies, African Studies, Linguistics, Film & Media Studies, Islamic & Middle Eastern, Studies, Politics, Law and Scottish Studies.

- Economics, topics in Business and Finance, Anthropology, Archeology, Computing and Computers, Education, Art, Literature, Music, History, International Relations, Law, Sociology, Philosophy and Religion.

- Geology and Earth Sciences.

- Economic data , Monetary policy , Financial stability ,Economic development, Forecasts and outlooks and Poverty reduction.

- Applied physics, Computer science, Condensed matter and materials science, High energy and nuclear physics, Mathematics, Applied mathematics and mathematical physics , Measurement science and sensors, Medical and biological sciences, Optical, Atomic and molecular physics, Physics education, Plasma physics

- Economics, History, Political Science, Language & Literature, Art & Art History, Music, Mathematics & Statistics, Education

- Biotechnology, Biomedical research/life sciences , Clinical medicine and surgery, Law

- Chemistry: Chemistry, Drug discovery, Biotechnology, Materials, Methods & Protocols
- Clinical Practice & Research: Cancer, Cardiovascular medicine ,Dentistry , Endocrinology, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Methods & Protocols, Pathology & Pathobiology ,Urology
- Earth & Environment: Earth sciences, Evolution & Ecology, Geosciences, Life sciences
- Biotechnology: Cancer, Development , Drug discovery, Evolution & Ecology , Genetics , Immunology , Medical research ,Methods & Protocols , Microbiology , Molecular cell biology , Neuroscience , Pharmacology , Systems biology
- Physical sciences: Physics, Materials, Nanotechnology, Photonics

- Economics, Energy, Environment, Social sciences

- The OED covers words from across the English-speaking world, from North America to South Africa, from Australia and New Zealand to the Caribbean. It also offers the best in etymological analysis and in listing of variant spellings, and it shows pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet.

- Biological Sciences, Medicine , Public Health and Epidemiology, Humanities , Social Sciences , Law ,Economics, Business, and Finance , Mathematics, Statistics, Computing and Physics

- Publish award-winning research which changes the world across the humanities, social sciences and business for academics, professionals and librarians.

- Clinical medicine, Public Health.

- Humanities, Social Sciences, Scientific, Technical and Medical.

- Arts & Humanities, Anthropology & Archaeology, Behavioural Science, Business, Management & Economics, Chemistry, Criminology & Law, Education, Engineering, Computing & Technology, Environment & Agriculture, Geography, Planning, Urban & Environment, Library & Information Science, Mathematics & Statistics, Media, Cultural & Communication Studies, Physics, Politics, International Relations & Area Studies ,Public Health & Social Care ,Sociology & Related Disciplines, Sport, Leisure & Tourism, Strategic, Defence & Security Studies.

- Hosts the world's broadest and deepest multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers seamless integrated access to over 6 million articles from over 1500 journals, over 20,000 online books, and hundreds of reference works, laboratory protocols and databases.

- Agriculture, Climate Change & Environment, Communities & Human Settlements, Conflict and Development, Education, Energy, Finance and Financial Sector Development, Gender, Governance, Health, Nutrition and Population, Industry; Information and Communication Technologies, Infrastructure Economics and Finance, International Economics & Trade, Law and Development, Macroeconomics and Economic Growth, Poverty Reduction, Private Sector, development, Public Sector Development, Rural Development, Science and Technology Development, Social Development, Social Protections and Labor, Transport; Urban Development, Water Resources, Water Supply and Sanitation, World Bank.

- Data include Global growth trends, Industrial production, International Trade, Oil and non-oil commodity markets, Financial markets as well as currencies.