The Provincial Secretary, Anglican Church of Kenya
Rt. Rev. Prof. Joseph D. Galgalo is the Provincial Secretary of the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) and Assistant Bishop in the ACK Diocese of All Saints. Prof. Galgalo has a wealth of experience in teaching, supervision, research, mentorship and administration in Higher Education that spans over two decades. Prior to his consecration into Bishophood, he held various positions of responsibility at St. Paul’s University that occasioned accession to the helm of the institution’s leadership as Vice Chancellor in 2010. His tenure embodied multifaceted tremendous transformation at the institution. He served as Vice Chancellor until 2020.
Prof. Galgalo is an astute scholar. He holds a PhD in Systematic Theology, Bachelor of Divinity and Diploma in Theology. The St. Paul’s University alumnus has a keen interest in Inter-contextual and Contextual Theologies and Theological education. His research interests include Developments in Contextual Theologies, especially African Christianity, Inculturation Christologies, Theological Education and Church Relations. He has supervised several theses and published widely in the same disciplines.