
With an origin of the Chinese Wuhan City, the deadly corona virus (Covid-19) has spread all over the world and has since been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization.

The virus has made a disruptive impact in various economies with some countries opting for a complete lockdown to prevent its spread. Apart from the lock down other measures advocated for to keep the virus at bay inlcude maintaining high standards of hygience by washing hands with soap and plenty of water or sanitizers; maintaining a 1m social distance, avoiding shaking of hands and to some extent self quarantining for 14 days for those that have travelled from countries affected by the outbreak.

The virus has not only had economic and social impact but also psychological impact. Unfortunately more efforts have been channeled towards mitigating the social and economic consequences with the physchological ones being ignored for lack of a better word. The University's Peer Counseling department has shed more light on maitaining psychological helath during this time. Click here view this month's special edition on the Corona Virus (Covid-19).