
The Faculty of Social Sciences will on Thursday 7th June 2018, host a research seminar for Postgraduate Students and Faculty, at the Main Hall in the main campus from 2.00 pm to 4.00pm. The guest speakers and renown scholars, Dr. Nicholas Githuku and Dr. Kenneth Ombongi will be sharing on their Graduate/ Doctoral Journey. The seminar participants are expected to gain an insight into managing their studies effectively not only for personal gain but also the befit of society at large. Some of the aspects to be covered include research methods, publications, citations, peer reviewing among others.

Dr. Nicholas Githuku is an African Diaspora Scholar from the United States, placed at St. Paul’s University by Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship program to work on a collaborative project aimed at strengthening Bachelor and Doctoral Concentrations in Peace and Conflict studies. Dr. Kenneth Ombongi has a wealth of experience in History and the Regional Vice- President of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Participant should be able to gain first-hand experience from their predecessors.